Kim Ottermo just started getting flowed from our distro Krooked wood, as he has been getting Thunder and Spitfire the last year or so...solid montage for sure. CLICK HERE TO WATCH VIDEO FROM TACKY Thanks Kim, Tacky Crew and Anders
I have been super busy the last few weeks...I got behind in posts. Nevertheless everyone else out there also seems rather busy, Mads Christensen brings us the ending part(two parts) to this full length video heralding from the land of the Vikings.
Winter will be over soon...hang in there, stay warm stay lit!
Go to Copenhagen up with Mads Christensen, dodge the kids while filming some shit...edit it down, and voilas you got a dope part. Cheers!
I made this a while back, it never turned into anything...but looks cool. I am posting this as it's been too busy and I have not had time to post some footage and pictures in my inbox...